Intelligent mobile robotic assistance system

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Intelligent mobile robotic assistance systems developed by our partner of the Scio automation group, Mojin Robotics. A safe and intuitive robot capable of increasing productivity and compensating skill shortages.

This robot, called LUKA, has the following advanced features:

– Flexible and safe to operate, even in challenging narrow warehouse environments.
– Transporting loads over dedicated distances.
– Universal patented vision assisted gripping system.
– Adaptation to mandatory industry standards.

Its mobile base platform is designed to move safely omnidirectionally through dynamic environments. To perform this free navigation, LIDAR sensors have been incorporated to provide the necessary robustness in any environment.

The system has the necessary certificates and approvals to perform a safe operation and interaction between the robot and humans.

The cobot incorporated on top is a Universal Robots, which has a 10 kg payload equipped with specific grippers to perform manipulation tasks.

It’s 360° camera with both 2D and 3D image processing allows it to perform all load handling movements and code reading too.

The battery technology is based on Li-Ion, with a capacity that provides an autonomy of up to 6 hours w/o charging.

In short, this mobile cobot development is designed to perform repetitive tasks that exceed health and safety standards for risk prevention or are prone to human error, providing the production line with a significant improvement in autonomy and reliability.

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