Dual Arm Robotic Palletizer. D.A.R.P.

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Introducing our high production double arm palletizing cell.
We have developed this new cell as an alternative to the usual full layer palletizing systems in high productions.

With similar productivity, it has significant advantages:
Mechanical simplicity and less space occupied.
It does not require systems for preparing layers and claws of great volume and weight. By not carrying so much weight, robots can be of lower load capacity and develop greater speed.

It is based on industrial robots capable of working tens of thousands of hours without failure, rather than on a complex set of pneumatic drives and their sensors, which results in much higher reliability.
The flexibility and ease of reference change is guaranteed thanks to the mosaic generation software developed by Inser Robotics and the servo-controlled drive claws.

To achieve palletizing without spaces between boxes, 6-axis robots are used instead of the usual 4 in palletizing, allowing to place the groups of boxes with a certain angle of inclination.

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