The logistics immediacy is on the rise

The logistics immediacy is on the rise

Something that initially seemed complicated to be normalized in the ecommerce logistics sector has begun to do so, and it is quickly becoming a trend. We talk about immediate deliveries or Same Day Delivery, increasingly demanded by users.



In 2014 the consultant McKinsey warned that globally this immediacy in delivery would be the great logistics revolution of the decade. Indeed, they were not wrong. In this last year the online delivery times have started to shorten, going from the 24-48 hours that many ecommerce stores had been offering so far, to immediate deliveries in the day or even in hours.
The big question that arises in this regard is: are the intralogistics stores really ready for this immediacy? Since it is a rising trend and they are shortening times, will they be able to adapt in time for this logistic revolution that we are experiencing? The answer to both questions is, in principle, affirmative. Or at least they should have the tools to do it. But they have to count on warehouses perfectly prepared for this great challenge.
At JHernando we have helped and help companies of different sizes in this conversion. It is, above all, having properly equipped facilities so that the supply chain follows its steps quickly and efficiently.
Thus, the first essential step to take when a customer processes their online petition is to have a perfectly controlled way of handling that order preparation in the warehouse. Through modern picking systems it is possible to optimize productivity, reducing working time either through pick to light or pick to voice systems, among others.
JHernando has been advising many companies from the beginning to which the same question always arises: how to monetize their conveyor and classification facilities in order to quickly reach a positive ROI. And although the precise answer will always depend on each particular case, in JHernando we tend to think that an appropriate investment in ecommerce logistics warehouses will bring immediate and continuous improvements that will materialize in fewer errors in shipments to customers and, therefore, an improvement in customer satisfaction.

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