Luís Simões conveying, descent by spiral & buffering project

Luís Simões conveying, descent by spiral & buffering project

In JHernando we made a turnkey installation for the conveying, descent by spiral and buffering parcels during the process of E-commerce orders assembling for Luís Simões (ZAL Barcelona)



In JHernando we made a turnkey installation for the conveying, descent by spiral and buffering parcels during the process of E-commerce orders assembling for Luís Simões (ZAL Barcelona), a company that offers efficient and competitive solutions in logistics and auxiliary services in both Spain and Portugal.
Together we annalised how to improve the ergonomics and organization of the space within the location where they carried out this activity, trying to improve the process of preparing orders, having as the main mission the safeguarding the physical conditions of their workers and avoiding saturated spaces for the correct realization and organized work.
Our line is based on a section of motorized rollers, which covers all the points of manual order preparation, speeding up the handling and conveying them within the facilities and fixing the workers positions. This minimizes the risk of injury by reducing the displacement of workloads and establishing work positions, this way improving operational efficiency.
After this line we have installed a gravity descent spiral. This system was the best solution in terms of space and efficiency, causing the decrease of orders in the preparation area to the palletizing area in a practical, fast and safe way.
From Luís Simões and JHernando, we have carried out this project with a very clear purpose: to increase the safety and comfort of the operators in the realization of these works, through the efficiency and safety of the process.

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