El Máster Supply Chain Management de ICIL, mejor máster de Barcelona, Bilbao y Madrid y segundo mejor máster en España
FUNDACION ICIL (Institute for Careers and Innovation in Logistics & Supply Chain)

ICIL’s Supply Chain Management Master, best master’s degree in Barcelona, ​​Bilbao and Madrid and second best master’s degree in Spain

ICIL's Supply Chain Management Master (Full Time and Executive) has been recognized as the second best in-person master's degree in Spain and the best master's degree in Barcelona, ​​Bilbao and Madrid.



This master’s degree stands out for allowing students to learn through gamification, business games and simulators where “What-if Scenario Analysis” is proposed, which they discuss in the classroom. It is for this reason that, at ICIL, we are committed to applied training so that during the training experience you can make decisions and see the results in the field of the supply chain through the simulators and gamifiers of the ICIL Lab.

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