In international trade, a rigorous customs inspection and control process is followed each time goods enter from one country to another.
The logistical process of customs warehousing becomes a critical component in providing temporary space for all awaiting goods.
Bonded warehousing is an essential practice to facilitate logistics operations and clearance of imported goods. This concept refers to the ability to temporarily hold goods in public or private facilities while the customs clearance process takes place.
What is a bonded warehouse?
A bonded warehouse is a free zone where goods wait for all customs operations to be processed. And not just any warehouse will do.
The storage of such goods awaiting clearance must be exclusively in bonded warehouses. And they have a time limit to stay there.
Types of customs warehousing
They are classified depending on the responsibility of the user. Public or private liability.
The modernized Community Customs Code, established by Regulation (EC) No 450/2008, introduces special warehousing regimes that allow the customs warehousing of non-EU goods.
The important condition is that they are not subject to import duties, levies or commercial policy measures. These regimes are:
– Temporary Warehouse Regime. This allows efficient control of goods in transit, ensuring their proper customs clearance before they enter the market.
– Bonded warehouse. It encompasses both the physical facility and the legal-customs status of the goods and facilitates the storage of goods from third countries in these facilities.
– Free zone which are the closed parts of the EU customs territory, separated from the rest, where a variety of non-EU goods can be stored.
If you need private bonded warehousing visit us at booth 7G55.
Dársena21 offers you the perfect solution. Our multifunctional storage spaces comply with all the legal requirements and conditions established by the competent customs administration to provide customs warehousing services