Port bottlenecks are reduced and approaching pre-pandemic levels.

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November closes with a level of 115.57 compared to 130.35 recorded last July. The improvement is mainly due to the contraction in demand caused by the global crisis.

The tensions, both in price and volume, in the supply of raw materials and industrial goods to Western countries, show an improvement of almost 15 percentage points in the bottlenecks in the ports since last July. Specifically, they plummet from 130.35 to 115.56 points.

Likewise, the contraction in demand as a consequence of the crisis situation that all countries are currently going through on a global level is another of the factors that has favoured the normalisation of the bottlenecks to pre-pandemic levels of around 108 points.

These are some of the main conclusions of the GATE Center, which has published its BottleNeck GATE indicator updated to November. The indicator – which relates the four main maritime traffic indices to the IPRI.

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