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RovoFlex is a highly automated robot with an intelligent camera system. It is debuting in combination with the PickCenter; together, the PickCenter RovoFlex constitutes a hybrid picking station. With this setup, customers can switch smoothly between manual and automatic mode, easily covering order peaks.

The TGW innovation addresses challenges like the shortage of labor or increasingly rapid changes in product ranges. Even more demanding goods such as frozen products or sharp objects present no problems for handling. With its steady performance and precision, RovoFlex achieves a throughput of over 1,000 items per hour, whether they be groceries, fashion items, or industrial or consumer goods. With a two-shift operation, the investment will pay off within roughly two and a half years.

RovoFlex is not limited to use in combination with the PickCenter, however: it can also be implemented with other workstations (1:4,2:6, …). It efficiently automates processes like sorting, consolidation, or separation of goods. Another advantage is users can integrate the picking robot into their existing systems within just a few days.

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