A coffee with… Antonio Fraguela, Head of Distribution Centre at Dinosol Supermercados

L&A: Tell us about yourself and your career. What were your beginnings like? And how have you grown within Dinosol Supermercados?

Antonio: My story in Dinosol Supermercados began almost 8 years ago, when I joined the company as an Occupational Risk Prevention Technician, my goal was to gain experience in the retail sector. From the very first moment, I felt that Dinosol Supermercados was a place where I would fit in and where I would be able to develop professionally. I had no idea of the path I was starting out on or where I would be a few years later.

The project that Dinosol entrusted me with was quite a challenge: to integrate Occupational Risk Prevention in the Logistics area with a global vision; and not just the traditional vision of an area of occupational risk prevention. And I did integrate it! As a representative of the area, I actively participated in the day-to-day running of the area, contributing a technical-legal point of view both in decision-making and in the different projects in which we were always immersed.

My time in occupational risk prevention allowed me to get to know the company in a transversal way: maintenance, works, legal, operations ….. An endless number of colleagues!

Growth within Dinosol Supermercados

After a period as a Prevention Technician, the company offered me a Career Plan starting at the distribution centre on the island of Tenerife, the role was to work as Preparation Team Leader. This new challenge allowed me, without a doubt, to put my leadership and team management skills into practice, as up until then I had not been in charge of groups of workers at Dinosol. This first stage confirmed what was already suspected. I had a logistician inside!

The next stop was on the island of Lanzarote, where I developed the role of Logistics Manager for the islands of Lanzarote and neighbouring Fuerteventura. The experience gained on these two islands allowed me to consolidate skills and develop others, such as emotional intelligence to achieve a positive and collaborative work environment, in an increasingly complex and competitive environment.

My return to the island of Gran Canaria, where I am currently based, was as head of the first phase of the project to automate low-turnover, high-value picking.

Finally, I was promoted to the position I currently hold, as Head of the Distribution Centre of Dinosol Supermercados in Gran Canaria. This logistics platform is the largest in the company and in the Canary Islands. Here we manage orders for all the shops in the archipelago, as it is the only one that has 100% of the company’s centralised assortment.

In this position, I have the opportunity to apply all the knowledge and experience I have acquired. My main objective is to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the centre, and of course to contribute to the success of Dinosol Supermercados.

L&A: You started as an occupational risk prevention technician, how did you make the leap to the logistics area, and what were the biggest challenges you faced?

Antonio: My leap from the area of occupational risk prevention to the logistics area was a natural process, because having been integrated into the day-to-day, I was already part of the team. Having a global vision of the whole chain allowed me to get to know the area in depth and develop a great interest in this sector.

In addition, my training as an industrial engineer specialising in mechanics and industrial maintenance, together with my experience in occupational risk prevention, gave me a series of skills that are highly valued in the field of logistics, such as data analysis, organisation, problem solving and decision making.

When I was presented with the opportunity to join the area, I did not hesitate to accept it, as I consider logistics to be a fundamental pillar in any company, especially in the Canary Islands where the island territory and the dispersion of delivery points make every day a new challenge.

The biggest challenge was undoubtedly to start managing teams, large teams with hundreds of colleagues, without them logistics would not be possible and I would like to thank each and every one of them for their involvement and desire to continuously improve in such a complex and unstable stage in which we find ourselves.

L&A: What is Dinosol’s commitment to sustainability, what changes have you implemented and what changes do you hope to implement in the near future?

Antonio: Dinosol has had a sustainability area since 2021 with the aim of designing, updating and constantly monitoring its ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) strategic plan.

This plan reflects its commitment through 3 fundamental axes: 1. Society and People, with a special focus on Canary Island families, 2. Sustainable products and services and 3.

The changes implemented so far are multiple and transversal, as they come from different areas of the company; from important advances in energy efficiency through photovoltaic plants and remote management measures, to the exhaustive control of our food waste, calculation and certification of our carbon footprint, expansion of our eco and healthy assortments, circular economy systems in our logistics, consumer information on proper waste management, ambitious social action programmes or internal training plans on sustainability and measures in favour of the development and well-being of our employees.

In addition, European regulations, new developments in waste and packaging, sustainable mobility, the fight against deforestation, etc., as well as new sustainability reporting systems, are challenges that Dinosol faces and tries to adapt to every day.

Antonio Superdino supermercados

L&A: Imagine you had to implement immediate supply chain improvements in a company, what would they be?

Antonio: My recipe in 6 steps would be:

As an advocate of data we should establish indicators (KPI’s) to measure the performance and efficiency of our supply chain, both in real time and for longer periods; it is essential to set new targets periodically that allow us to establish a process of continuous improvement.

Establish a “win-win” relationship with reliable and efficient suppliers in order to have competitive rates and on-time delivery.

To have a demand forecasting system to be able to anticipate demand, this would allow us to plan: production, preparation and transport; with the aim of reducing service times and avoiding stock excesses/defects.

Explore the most advanced technology that can be implemented and bet on it: Voice Picking, AGV’s, Automation, AI,… this will allow us to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the processes.

Implement sustainable practices within and in the environment of our chain, not forgetting any of the aspects: social, environmental, energetic and economic.

Encourage communication and collaboration between all links in the chain; information helps each link to make the best informed, rational and strategic decisions.

L&A: Finally, if you had to give one piece of advice to your 10-year-old self, given the unpredictable changes we have faced in recent years, what would it be?

Antonio: To my 10-year-old self, I would tell him to be positive because every situation in life has different points of view. I would also tell him to keep in mind that everything changes and it is necessary to adapt to new situations and challenges, so it is important to know how to adapt and be flexible.

Those unpredictable changes are real and difficulties will come for sure, but depending on how you deal with them, you will be able to overcome them, so learn to be resilient. But at the same time, I would tell you that you will have to be brave not to hesitate when starting new projects, as there will be moments of doubt in those changes.

As for the people you will meet in the coming years, I would tell you to be kind and grateful to everyone, as each of them will help you gain knowledge and experience.

And of course, never stop asking questions, investigating, listening… don’t be satisfied, because with every small or big step, you learn and grow in experience.

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