The obsolescence of the national logistics park will boost immologistics.

Mountpark Iberia plans to build 100,000 square metres of logistics space by 2024. Leandro Greblo, country manager of the company, is optimistic about this year.

Mountpark Iberia plans to build 100,000 square metres of logistics space by 2024. Leandro Greblo, country manager of the company, is optimistic about this year.

“The economic outlook for the coming months outlines a stable scenario in the coming quarters, with an optimistic projection especially towards the last quarter of 2024. However, it is important to note that we are in a dynamic and constantly evolving industry, driven in part by the obsolescence of the national logistics park and the new demands of the market and companies,” said Leandro Greblo, country manager of Mountpark Iberia to the Logistics Area of C de Comunicación.

“Companies need to adjust their operations to the current demands of logistics, which are strongly influenced by trends such as automation, artificial intelligence, sustainability and renewable energies”.

Leandro Greblo, country manager of Mountpark Iberia

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The 2nd AFE-APCE Congress starts today at the BEC with more than 200 participants

·       Celebradas en IFEMA, ambas ferias han contado con la participación de más de 360 empresas expositoras de los sectores del packaging, la logística y el transporte, registrando 38.361 interacciones comerciales.

·       En total, han ocupado más de 20.500 metros cuadrados de exposición, un 6 % más que el año anterior, subrayando su creciente impacto económico.

·       “Estas cifras récord no solo indican el éxito del salón, sino también el estado actual y el potencial de crecimiento de los sectores del packaging y la logística en España”, afirma Oscar Barranco, director general de Easyfairs Iberia.

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