The 4 technology trends that will dominate the logistics sector in 2024

The logistics and transport sector is considered one of the drivers of the Spanish economy. With a 6.9% contribution to GDP, this field is in the midst of a significant digital transformation, driven by technological advances that by 2024 will take the ways in which companies manage their operations and address emerging challenges in the sector to the next level.
Spanish company 3CO Logistic Solutions, an expert in the design and implementation of innovative supply chain solutions, highlights the following four trends, which have a significant role to play in the evolution of logistics in 2024 and beyond.

Digitalisation has become a fundamental necessity in logistics. Domestically, companies have adopted digital technologies to optimise operations, improve performance and reduce costs.

According to the study carried out by LiceoTIC, business investment in information technologies will grow by more than 4% in 2024 within Spanish companies. The logistics sector will invest the most in technology, with a projected budget increase of 16.8%, followed by the energy (14.5%) and distribution (12.4%) industries.

Within digitalisation, there are four key trends:

1. Automation and robotisation of warehouses

The use of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs and FMRs) for order picking and pallet transport will become increasingly common, especially in companies that operate around the clock. In this way, robotisation not only helps to reduce operating costs, but also increases productivity, improves ergonomics and significantly reduces human error, with a low learning curve.

In 2024, this trend will be consolidated with the implementation of smart warehouses, also known as warehouses 4.0. Furthermore, these facilities combine state-of-the-art warehouse management systems (WMS) with technologies such as automation, robotics and data analytics to optimise inventory preparation and management, as well as packaging and shipping.

2. Generative artificial intelligence applied to logistics

The presence of artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to increase…

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The 2nd AFE-APCE Congress starts today at the BEC with more than 200 participants

·       Celebradas en IFEMA, ambas ferias han contado con la participación de más de 360 empresas expositoras de los sectores del packaging, la logística y el transporte, registrando 38.361 interacciones comerciales.

·       En total, han ocupado más de 20.500 metros cuadrados de exposición, un 6 % más que el año anterior, subrayando su creciente impacto económico.

·       “Estas cifras récord no solo indican el éxito del salón, sino también el estado actual y el potencial de crecimiento de los sectores del packaging y la logística en España”, afirma Oscar Barranco, director general de Easyfairs Iberia.

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