Biofuel HVO: the alternative to diesel while awaiting electric trucks

HVO provides a 70-90% CO2 reduction compared to diesel from crude oil and is compatible with existing diesel engines.
As the expected energy transition of road freight transport towards alternative propulsion slows down, with the arrival of the first electric trucks at a slower than expected pace, several countries around us have started to promote the use, at least on a transitional basis, of other “green” fuels.

Last week, without going any further, the German Parliament approved the sale of the biofuel called HVO (acronym equivalent to Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) in petrol stations throughout Germany, in order to contribute significantly to the reduction of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere. This decision is mainly based on the fact that the new fuel is compatible with existing diesel engines, so that a conversion of the truck fleet is not necessary for the time being.


CO2 reduction up to 90 per cent
According to studies carried out by the German authorities, the CO2 reduction of HVO compared to diesel from crude oil is estimated to be between 70 and 90 percent. This product is made from vegetable oils and fats, usually using slaughterhouse waste, algae or used cooking fats, which are purified with hydrogen and converted into paraffin fuels.

Biodiesel and bioethanol are regulated in Spain.
Although Hibrobiodiesel (HVO) has begun to be marketed in some petrol stations in Spain, the Spanish government has not yet expressly regulated this fuel, as the Royal Decree determining the specifications for petrol, diesel, fuel oils and liquefied petroleum gases only includes the technical specifications that biodiesel and bioethanol intended for use in motor vehicles (in addition to their blends with fossil fuels) must comply with.

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The 2nd AFE-APCE Congress starts today at the BEC with more than 200 participants

·       Celebradas en IFEMA, ambas ferias han contado con la participación de más de 360 empresas expositoras de los sectores del packaging, la logística y el transporte, registrando 38.361 interacciones comerciales.

·       En total, han ocupado más de 20.500 metros cuadrados de exposición, un 6 % más que el año anterior, subrayando su creciente impacto económico.

·       “Estas cifras récord no solo indican el éxito del salón, sino también el estado actual y el potencial de crecimiento de los sectores del packaging y la logística en España”, afirma Oscar Barranco, director general de Easyfairs Iberia.

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