The Balearic Islands Port Authority improves the management of its ports through geospatial technology

The Balearic Islands Port Authority has implemented Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which has become essential for the organisation. APB is the Spanish leader in the number of port calls, with an annual volume of more than 50,000, which has also placed it in second place in the European ranking. It also has one of the highest passenger traffic figures in Spain, registering more than 2,500,000 cruise passengers and 7,500,000 regular line passengers. Hence the importance of this implementation.

GIS makes it possible to contextualise all of the entity’s assets in one place and at one time, allowing live monitoring of them. These intelligent map-based systems help to efficiently and synchronously manage the data generated by port operations, concessions, tenders, asset and infrastructure management, fleets, port services and port security, among many others.

Esri Spain, a global leader in geospatial solutions, has carried out, together with the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) and Prodevelop, the main provider of technological solutions in the Spanish port sector, the project for the implementation of an information management platform for the five ports (Alcúdia, Eivissa, Maó, Palma and La Savina) managed by the port authority. To this end, this interface, hosted on Esri’s ArcGIS system, integrates the APB’s ICT systems, offering a unified solution to fully manage the information related to the large number of assets, operations and infrastructures of its ports…


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The 2nd AFE-APCE Congress starts today at the BEC with more than 200 participants

·       Celebradas en IFEMA, ambas ferias han contado con la participación de más de 360 empresas expositoras de los sectores del packaging, la logística y el transporte, registrando 38.361 interacciones comerciales.

·       En total, han ocupado más de 20.500 metros cuadrados de exposición, un 6 % más que el año anterior, subrayando su creciente impacto económico.

·       “Estas cifras récord no solo indican el éxito del salón, sino también el estado actual y el potencial de crecimiento de los sectores del packaging y la logística en España”, afirma Oscar Barranco, director general de Easyfairs Iberia.

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